Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Sustainability that Pays Us with FREE GAS!

As Got it Delivered places more emphasis on Green Energy and Sustainability we came across a deal that one couldn't resist! Not only is it free, however saved us $43.00 in two months, simply by making a switch from current electric supplier to Ambit Energy! A promised 2% off current supplier rates and incentives that include a free 3 Day getaway, $100.00 incentive for every 5 people that you decide to make the change too! Finally, Ambit vows to to not charge us for any energy, for convincing 15 people  that Free is better!...and even that is understated, we're payed to literally save money! 
Please decide to save a lot of Money and  help us sustain through our new business venture. If you have any questions you can personally call me , Jeremiah Coonley--(518) 986-8100

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